samedi 16 mars 2013

Fwd: Sheryl Sandberg, Bestsellers, and Top How-Tos - Harvard Business Review LinkedIn Group March Newsletter

LinkedIn Groupes

  • Groupe : Harvard Business Review
  • Sujet : Sheryl Sandberg, Bestsellers, and Top How-Tos - Harvard Business Review LinkedIn Group March Newsletter

Dear HBR LinkedIn Group members,

It's been a very exciting few weeks for Harvard Business Review Press as we've had not one but two new books hit the bestseller lists. "Conscious Capitalism" by Whole Foods Co-CEO John Mackey and Raj Sisodia sets the bar for a new vision for businesses and their higher purpose ( ), while "Playing to Win" by former P&G CEO A.G. Lafley and Rotman School dean Roger Martin shows you how to build your winning business strategy from the ground up ( ). Check them out!

Here are some of our other March goings-on:


Sheryl Sandberg recently spoke with HBR Editor in Chief Adi Ignatius about work-life balance, the likeability gap, and barriers for women who want to achieve leadership roles. 

"Write E-Mails That People Won't Ignore" is quickly proving to be the most popular in Bryan Garner's series of HBR blog posts on business communication. 

Want to sell more? Our editors have gathered sales advice from some of the world's top business profs, consultants, trainers, and sales managers into one short, practical ebook. 


Lots of "how-to" questions this month, with some good answers:

How to deal with unreasonable people…without getting angry! -- Advice to follow in business and in life. 

How to address time management -- Anastasia Bagryantseva's question has yielded some great, granular tips, including advice about task management software and rubrics to keep you focused. 

How to measure productivity – members are suggesting good metrics to use and also warning of the pitfalls of using the wrong KPIs. 

Thanks again for all of your contributions and conversations this month!

The HBR LinkedIn Team
Ania (writing), Erica, Tracy, and Lauren
Publié par Ania Wieckowski

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